As students of the Dharma and teachers of Mindfulness and Compassion, we aspire to right conduct in every aspect of our lives. In this agreement we acknowledge a clear and specific set of expectations to which we hold ourselves accountable. We hope that by specifying these standards of behaviour we sharpen our awareness of ethical issues, ensure the trustworthiness of Insight Meditation, and serve to support the awakening of individuals. We recognize that our work is founded on trust - the trust placed in us each by our own teachers to transmit the Dharma faithfully and the trust placed in us by our students to provide them respectful and appropriate instruction. Our intention is to ensure that through our teaching we do no harm to our students, either to their practice or to their general well-being.
Specifically, we commit ourselves to: a) Use our authority and role as teachers to serve the interests of the communities in which we are involved.
b) Treat our community members, including fellow teachers, with honesty and deep respect, not subjecting them to disparagement, coercive pressure, or undesired attention of any kind.
c) Maintain confidences received from students, except as required by law.
d) To practice openness and inclusivity in our relationships with others, allowing personal affinities a natural place but avoiding destructive favouritism.
e) Refrain from sexual interaction with students, except within the parameters of a committed relationship and, even then, only with the utmost care to ensure that no one is harmed.
We ask our fellow Mindfulness and Compassion teachers to hold us accountable to these standards.