Mindfulness and Compassion Teacher Training Program 2025 -2026
Knowledge Skills Awakening
This program is for those who want to teach mindfulness and compassion aligned with the deep wisdom of the teachings of the Buddha in their current or future areas of work. The course is also suitable for people who are wanting to deepen their practice and understanding of the teachings, want to continue their own journey of awakening and be part of a community of dharma practitioners. The course will develop an understanding of the principles and application of the practices underlying meditation, mindfulness and the Boundless Heart qualities of loving kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity. The teachers of the program will be Alan Bassal and Subhana Barzaghi see our Faculty This program is a foundational program for those who want to enter the Insight Meditation Dharma teacher pathway.
Knowledge, Awakening and Skills These form the basis of deepening one's practice and for becoming a mindfulness and compassion teacher. The program is designed to support you to develop all three within a framework of ethics based on the principles of non-harming, wise speech and skillful communication. Knowledge Component This will draw upon the traditional teachings of the Buddha on mindfulness and compassion as well as a contemporary understanding provided by mindfulness-based psychotherapy. Awakening Component To awaken to our own essential nature is an ongoing and integral part of becoming a mindfulness and compassion teacher. Authentic teaching and interaction with others come from your own insight and embodiment of the teachings and your lived experience. It is by sharing from your direct experience that one radiates and inspires others to a life of mindfulness and loving-kindness. Skills Component This will provide insight into how to introduce various practices, how to language instructions and develop the skills needed for attunement, empathy and sensitivity in the teaching role. There will be practice opportunities and mentoring to develop the confidence to lead small groups.
Link to the application form is down below after the Prerequisites section.
Delivery mode For the first workshop of each year physical attendance at the venue is required, for the other workshops attendance can be either face to face or live on Zoom. Ideally, we would like all participants to attend all weekend workshops face to face as we have found this creates a stronger sense of connection and community.
Program structure This is a two year program. Each year will comprise:
4 weekend workshops face to face or via Zoom (non-residential). Face to face is the preferred way to attend the course. In order to minimise long distance travel, we will also be offering the weekend modules via Zoom. Everyone should plan to attend modules 1 & 5 in person.
3 Small Group Mentoring sessions of 1.5 hours duration delivered on-line.
3 Webinars of 2 hours duration delivered on-line.
In addition, participants are required to attend at least one 5 to 7 day Insight Meditation retreat each year (price not included here).
Please note If you are a heath professional 52 PD hours will be awarded each year.
Cost: $2,760 per year or 8 quarterly payments of $690.
Location - We will be at the Crows Nest Centre, 2 Ernest Place, Crows Nest, Sydney Times - 9 to 4.30 pm on Saturday and Sunday
Dates for the 2025 Weekend Workshops Module 1 - February 22-23 Module 2 - May 17-18 Module 3 - August 16-17 Module 4 - November 15-16
Small group Mentoring Sessions You will be meeting with the same small group throughout the year in a regular time slot. You will be able to select from the available dates and times.
Webinars will be held on Saturdays between 2 to 4pm These will take place on: - 12th April 25 - 19 July 25 - 18 Oct 25
MINDFULNESS The mindfulness stream includes:
* Understanding the theoretical, philosophical and practical aspects of mindfulness based on the Satipatthana Suta; mindfulness of body, feelings, mindstates, dharma teachings
* The use of movement practices to engage the somatic experience * Deepening your personal mindfulness practice and realisation * Applying mindfulness in daily life to free oneself from habitual reactive tendencies * Establishing familiarity with current research findings on the effects of mindfulness meditation * Developing skills and confidence in leading individual and small group sessions and responding to questions
Testimonials "The course was incredibly thorough, with high-quality teaching materials and resources that provided a deep and nuanced understanding of mindfulness and compassion. The teachers were extraordinary, bringing an immense depth of knowledge and experience that enriched every session." Jennifer Steadman
"With each module, my personal practice and my ability to share these profound teachings have grown immensely. At the same time, my friendships have deepened, with each session cultivating a level of intimacy, trust, and honest connection. The teachers guiding this course have been truly inspiring, exceeding all my expectations. The program has been delivered with exceptional care, attention to detail, and accessibility—qualities that reflect not only their mastery of the Dhamma but also their skill in teaching it." Sandi Middleton
"I would highly recommend this study and practice to anyone looking to further deepen their knowledge and gifts to others." Bill Carson
"After two years of study I am leaving with a new level of personal embodiment of mindfulness and compassion and quality teaching practices for my work as an academic and health professional. The length of the course, the wisdom of the teachers and the support of fellow students slowly imbued me with trust and willingness to embrace everything that was offered in the curriculum. The course was thoroughly engaging, often challenging, always enjoyable and soundly based in evidence. I know that the accreditation that I now hold, and the principles and practices that I teach from this learning are valid and trustworthy." Dr Susana Sumskis
BOUNDLESS HEART Training in the compassion stream includes:
Training in the Boundless Heart qualities of; Loving-kindness, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity
Understand the theoretical, philosophical and meditative practices of the Boundless Heart
The role of compassion in healing emotional and psychological suffering
Deepening and inquiring into your personal experience of the open heart
Establish a familiarity with current research findings on the effects of mindfulness self-compassion
Models, meditations and mentoring to support teaching the Boundless Heart practices
Prerequisites The following prerequisites are required:
Have an established regular meditation practice of a minimum of two years
Have attended at least three 5 or 7 days meditation retreats in the style of Insight or Vipassana meditation
Desirable but not essential - currently involved or will be involved in a teaching role in allied modalities such as health, yoga, fitness, group work, social work, conflict resolution, social activism and counselling
Other experiences that would support your application include:
Have attended the 8 week MBSR program or MBSR teacher training
Participated in the 'Power of Awareness' on line program with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield
Have taken 'Entering the Path' 12 week course at the Barre Center of Buddhist studies
Have done the 'Compassion Training' with the Compassion Mind foundation
Other personal growth workshops, or psychotherapy training
A reference from a senior Insight meditation dharma teacher
The Mindfulness and Compassion Teaching Diploma On successful completion of the program and subject to meeting the qualification criteria a Diploma in Mindfulness and Compassion Teaching will be issued by the Insight Meditation Institute. The criteria for qualification include:
Attendance is required for at least 75% of all Workshop modules, mentoring sessions and webinars.
Any sessions missed are to be made up by use of notes, audio files and doing the experiential inquiry exercises.
Attending at least one silent Insight Meditation retreat of 5 days or more per year, led by an Insight teacher recognised by the Institute (price of this is not included in the course fee).
Deliver at least one guided meditation in your mentoring group each year for feedback and assessment.
Issuing of a diploma is subject to the teachers being satisfied with the student's participation level, understanding, ethical standards and competency in applying the teachings.
Regarding Course Fees
The course fee includes the weekend workshops, online group mentoring, online webinars, the M&CTT manual, and access to the on-line student portal resources.
The course fee can be paid annually or by quarterly installments, missed modules need to be paid for in order to continue.
If payment of the fee is proving difficult then please contact the lead teachers to discuss alternative arrangements.